Tuesday, December 2, 2008

First things First...

Well, here it is. Something I've been putting off for years and finally a sick day in bed with the flu on Christmas Eve has lent me both the time and inspiration to create my first entry into the world of peronal cyber space expression...
A blog? Weird name that's for sure. 

So... what am I gonna do with it? Well. I don't have any real answers there, or many depending on how I look at it.

What does it mean?

Personal Expression is the first on the list - words and images both.
How much filtering to do?Professional vs Personal? No words just images?

We shall see..
Let's just choose to strap in and go for the ride together - with neither of us knowing where it's going...

Do you trust me?

1 comment:

Tasmanian Cooperative Wine Sales said...

Sensational surf photo's Paul! I trust that your passion takes you to some of the best locations our amazing state has to offer? It would seriously surprise me if you weren't into some of Tasmania's amazing local wines? Forget about Kiwi Sauvignon Blanc!! Let me introduce you to some of the most sensational cool climate Tasmanian SB's & Rieslings going! Check out our new Blog: http://tascws.blogspot.com/
Join our cellar & support your local Tasmanian wine Farmer. Leave us a comment if you'd like us to contact you with a "winealogue"

Cheers for now.

Murray & the boutique wine producers of Tassie.